Sunday, June 7, 2015

spinach and fruit smoothies

My two boys are pretty much polar opposites, especially when it comes to their food. One eats salad nearly everyday, the other won't touch it. The same one that won't eat salad, gobbles up other raw veggies as the other turns up his nose. One drinks milk, the other prefers water. One dips in ketchup, the other, ranch. You get the idea. 

As most parents experience, feeding them healthy, real food can be a challenge. I started making these spinach and fruit smoothies to sneak in some veggies, but as expected, only one child will drink them. I'm still working on the other one! I also add hemp seed, which is a great source of protein, as well as flax seed, which has a huge dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

The apple juice adds some sweetness to be a little more kid friendly, however, if you're not careful, they can have a lot of added sugar. Look for a juice that is fresh pressed, unsweetened, and organic, if possible. I like this this brand from Whole Foods, but I'm sure there are many options out there. Just read your labels! 

Spinach and Fruit Smoothies
1 cup apple juice
1 cup water
2 cups raw spinach
2 cups mixed berries
2 tbsp hemp seed
2 tbsp ground flax seed

Add liquids to a blender, then add spinach, berries, and seeds. Blend all ingredients until smooth. Serve with a crazy straw for added flair. 
Makes about 3 servings.

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