Monday, June 29, 2015

homemade fruit and veggie wash

I used to think a quick rinse under the water faucet was enough to wash all the gunk off my fruits and veggies. Wrong! Produce, even organic, is covered in all sort of nasty stuff. Think about how many hands have touched that apple at the store. I'm no germaphobe, but that's just gross. And if you're not buying organic, then your produce is more than likely also covered with pesticides. There are a bunch of great fruit and veggie washes on the market, but it is so easy (and cheap!) to make at home.

Homemade Fruit and Veggie Wash
4 parts water
1 part distilled white vinegar

Mix ingredients in a spray bottle. Spritz mixture on produce and rub it around a little. Let it sit for a minute or so, then wash off.

You can also mix up a big batch of this in a bucket or your sink and soak all of your produce at once. It's easy to just throw everything in, let it soak for a bit, then rinse. Now all your produce is ready to eat!

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