Monday, July 22, 2013

sugar detox - done!

Another food challenge is in the books - hurrah!  I wish I could say I was 100% compliant during the 21 day sugar detox, but I certainly wasn't.  I had a few moments of weakness towards the end - one involving homemade pizza and the other involving beer (maybe a couple times).  Other than that, I did ok.

I will say I think this was harder than the Whole 30, even though it was shorter, because of the no fruit rule.  I sure do love me some berries and I really missed them over the past three weeks.  I had strawberries and blueberries yesterday and they tasted like candy.  So good!

I got to spend my last day of the detox with my cousin, Gretchen, at our semi-annual cousin day.  It was fun to chat about our experience and enjoy our taco salads together while everyone else ate theirs with shells.  We decided we wouldn't be very good 21DSD coaches because we kept convincing each other that it was ok to have a beer or glass of wine.  We both managed to steer clear of the dessert table, which included Gretchen's famous chocolate chip cookies.

I will definitely say that cutting out sugar and glutens makes you feel horrible at first, but then you feel amazing.  Clear head, less bloat, more energy, clearer skin, better sleep - these are just a few of the things Gretchen and I both experienced on the detox.  You do not know how bad some foods can make you feel until you eat only real food.  I will say that I overindulged a bit yesterday and I felt AWFUL last night.  There is something to be said about eating less sugar and glutens.

So, where to go from here?  I plan to have a few days to enjoy the foods I missed (hello bread) and then I hope to eat a mostly Paleo diet from here on out.  I will not be perfect all the time, but knowing how good it makes me feel is worth it most of the time.


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