Friday, July 12, 2013

sugar detox - day 12

Well friends, we are over half way done with the 21 Day Sugar Detox. Yahoo!  Week two has certainly been a lot better than week one.  The first week was tough, I'm not going to lie.  Throwing a holiday right in the middle probably wasn't the best idea either.  This week I feel like I've gotten into a groove and this is just becoming the normal way to eat.

My super fun cousin, Gretchen, is also doing the detox with me, and it's been so fun to have someone along for the ride.  I'm lucky to be surrounded by a lot of amazing women in my family and Gretchen is no exception.  She is the mama of two adorable kiddos and has an incredible husband, Thad. She is the most amazing hostess and their house is party central when we all get together.

I asked her a few questions about how she's feeling on day 12.

Hi.....I'm Gretchen and I'm a sugar addict.  

What made you decide to do the 21 Day Sugar Detox?
Katie made me do it.  No really, I have been trying to get rid of gluten for a while, and just needed a boost.  Thought this would be a good way to get it out of my system!

What have been your go-to foods on the detox?  Any foods you didn't eat before that you now enjoy?
Avocado.  Easy, yummy and filling.  Nothing really new, but have been eating hard boiled eggs at breakfast even though eggs kind of creep me out.  Always ate veggies, but eating more now than I did.

What has been the hardest food (or drink) to give up?
Beer, which is weird because I don't really drink much.  But it is summer, and with friends by the pool, or down at the lake.....well...I may have had a slip up or two...."Happy birthday, America"

Do you plan to continue this lifestyle after the detox ends?  Or where are you hoping this detox takes you, in terms of food?
I plan to keep up the no gluten.  I will not go back to the Greek yogurt I used to have every morning.  I will add back in fruit - hello fresh peaches!!

I failed to formally ask Gretchen the biggest question of all - How are you feeling??  I do know that she is feeling great, sleeping "like a teenager" and not missing the desserts at all.  Like me, week one was tough and week two seems like a breeze.  I'd completely agree with all her answers and I cannot wait to dive into peaches (and berries!) when the detox is over.

If you've at all been thinking about doing a detox, or something similar, go for it!  You will not be disappointed!


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