Thursday, June 13, 2013

eat like a caveman

I truly think I have Crossfit to thank for my new found love of all things healthy.  When I first started going to classes, everyone was always talking about eating Paleo.  Huh?  I had never heard of it, but I didn't want to be the joker that asked "what's that?" so I went home and googled it.  I was shocked to see hundreds and hundreds of websites about Paleo.  Have I been living under a rock?  How have I never heard of this??

So, what is it?  The Paleolithic diet (AKA - Paleo) diet is essentially eating the way the cavemen ate.  If you can hunt it or gather it, you can eat it.  If it's found in a box or a bag, you can't.  If it contains sugar or grains, it's out.  No legumes or hydrogenated oils.  It completely makes sense that our bodies were not made to process junk.  Here's a simple way to look at what you can eat.

I dove head first into the Paleo lifestyle when I completed a Whole30 back in October.  The Whole30 is basically Paleo on speed, and is 30 days of nothing but good, clean eating.  You can read all about it in the book, It Starts With Food.  It was an incredibly tough, yet amazingly eye opening 30 days, and I feel like it was a springboard into this new lifestyle. 

I now eat Paleo most of the time.  I say most because I am not perfect and I do still love me some grains every now and then.  Bread has always been my favorite food and it's been by far the toughest to give up.  Sure, there are alternatives out there, but nothing beats a good ole piece of toasted sourdough.  Mmmmmmmm.......

So what's the benefit?  Most people think weight loss is the number one benefit, but I'd disagree. Sure, if you cut out all processed food, refined sugars, and grains, you're probably going to lose some weight.  But that's not what it's all about.  It's about changing the food you put in your mouth and living a more healthy life.  I don't even like to call it a "diet" because it's a lifestyle change, not a short-term weight loss solution.

Again, just like Crossfit, this is not for everyone. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, it might be hard to gnaw on a turkey leg like a caveman.  But, if you're looking for sometime new to try because you've tried everything else out there, give Paleo a go for one week.  Just one week.  You will not be sorry!!

Here are a few of my favorite websites:


The Clothes Make the Girl

Everyday Paleo

Nom Nom Paleo

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