Sunday, June 9, 2013

for the love of crossfit

Growing up, I played sports pretty much year round. Softball, gymnastics, golf, tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc, I pretty much tried them all.  Some I was pretty good at, some I was one season and done.  I loved the competition and the team atmosphere that sports provided, plus pretty much all of my friends were made through sports.  I spent the summers playing ball all over the midwest with these girls and they were (and some still are) my best friends.

As most athletes experience, once the team sports went away, I was left wondering, "How the heck am I going to keep myself in shape?"  Most people turn to running, but see, running and I have a major issue - I really despise it and clearly it hates me too.  I've worked out at the gym off and on for years, but never really found anything I enjoyed.  It was always a chore and I dreaded going.  I knew a few people who did Crossfit, so I decided to look into it.   Crossfit is defined as constantly varied movements performed at a relatively high intensity. Seemed like a good match for me - gymnastics type movements, weight lifting, and cardio all rolled into one.  So, nearly a year ago, I stepped WAY outside my comfort zone, took a free class, and was hooked that very first night.   

I was barely able to get out of bed that next day, but I knew I had found something that would change my life.  Sounds so cliche, but it's true.  The workouts are the most intense, hard, limit pushing things I've ever done, and I love that aspect of it, but the atmosphere is what I love best.  I've met some pretty incredible people and have the most amazing, supportive coaches.  It's a competitive atmosphere (everything is timed), yet everyone is there to cheer you on.  With the help of my Crossfit family, I've pushed myself to do things I never thought possible. When I stepped into the box a year ago, I couldn't even begin to do a pull-up, now I can do them without any assistance.  A year ago I had no idea how to deadlift, now I can lift way more than I weigh.

Crossfit is not for everyone, I certainly realize that, but if you're like me and find yourself bored to tears with your current workout, go find the nearest box and take the plunge!  You will not be sorry, sore, yes, but not sorry.




  1. I love the softball photo! You have such a badass look on your face. And is that Tara behind you? I can't figure out what she's doing. In any case, I'm super proud of you for taking all this on, making so many positive changes in your life all at once. You were always one of my favorite kids, and now you've become one of my favorite adults.

    1. Donna, your comment brought tears to my eyes!! You are just too sweet. Thanks for the encouraging words. Yes, that's Tara behind me...if I remember correctly this was after our very last game we ever played together. She might be crying, but I can't say for sure!

  2. I love this post and Crossfit! I feel the exact same way, except that I still can't do a darn unassisted pull-up!

    And where was I in that Bullets picture? Did the girl with the hat take over my spot because I don't remember her?

    1. Jessie, that's Kathy Hetland. I'm not sure if you ever played at the same time as her. She's a stud. So yes, she took your spot. We swapped one stud for another.
