Saturday, June 29, 2013

21 day sugar detox

I'm not sure how or why I get myself into these "challenge" type things, but I seem to have found another one to complete.  I talked a little bit about the Whole30 I did back in October, and this one is similar.  It's a 21 day sugar detox.  It's essentially NO sugar for 21 days.  That means no fruit (except green tipped bananas - what the wha? and green apples), no carbs, no processed anything, no sweeteners of any kind (even honey) and obviously no sweets or desserts.  Seem a little crazy, but hey, I love a challenge, so tomorrow I will start!

Yes, yes, we all know sugar is bad, but that little white substance is in everything.  It has a million different names and comes in a billion different forms, so it can be very sneaky.  My eyes were really open to this when I did my Whole30 and literally had to read every food label.  If you take the time to look, you will be shocked where you find sugar.  Also, I am in no way saying that fruit is bad, actually it's very good, but it does contain quite a bit of sugar, so that's why is out for the next 21 days.

Read all about the challenge here. Or better yet, take the challenge yourself!

I do limit my sugar already, and eat little grains, so I'm hoping it won't be too difficult.  The Fourth of July holiday and all its homemade ice cream goodness might throw me a curve ball, so if you see me reach for that spoon, just slap it out of my hand.

I went out with a bang tonight and had spaghetti with rolls and one of these babies, which actually does NOT pair well with spaghetti.

Ahhhhh, tastes like summer.  I'll just hold on to that feeling for the next 21 days.

I will blog about my adventure throughout the 21 days, so stay tuned.  If you'd like to join in, feel free to start anytime.  Your body will thank you!

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