Tuesday, June 16, 2015

real food snacks

I don't know about your house, but snack time has become a real problem. I'd love to do away with the snacks and just eat three meals a day, but the little people in my house seem to think they need to eat all. the. time. Instead of filling up on crackers and goldfish, which really do nothing but make them hungrier, here are some real food ideas for those, "Mom, I'm hungry!" moments.

Ants on a Log 
What's not to love about this darling little snack? Swap out peanut butter for almond butter or sunflower seed butter for a tasty alternative. Theses can even be made ahead and kept in the fridge.

Smoothie Pops
I try to keep these on hand in the freezer during the hot summer months. These reusable popsicle molds work great and you can fill them with any concoction you wish.

Apples and Peanut Butter
This is a household favorite, and one snack both of my boys will eat. That is a real Christmas miracle, my friends. Again, swap out the PB for any other nut or seed butter.

This popcorn maker gets more use than most of our other small appliances. Ditch the microwave kind and pop it yourself - it's tastes so much better! I use a little coconut oil and top it with sea salt. If the hubs is in charge of popcorn, it usually gets some butter on top, too.

Nuts and Seeds
One of my boys eats pistachios like it's his job. The other won't touch them. What gives? Look for nuts and seeds without added oils.

Homemade Baked Goods
Muffins and even cookies that you make at home are way better than the packaged junk. You can control the ingredients, specially the sugar, and know exactly what's in them. Here are some of our favorites:

These chocolate chip cookies from Against all Grain - seriously so good!

These muffins I posted last week

Start with this whole wheat muffin base and add whatever you want!

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